STANSW Supporting the Implementation of the 7-10 syllabus

7-10 Syllabus Rural Advisory Group

STANSWS recognises the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the implementation of the new NSW 7-10 Science Syllabus in rural and regional schools across New South Wales.

To ensure that the needs of these communities are addressed effectively, we are establishing a Rural Advisory Group. This group will focus on providing targeted advice and insights into the adaptation and application of the new syllabus in rural and regional educational settings.

The primary purpose of the Rural Advisory Group is to find and highlight specific challenges, resources, and strategies pertinent to rural and regional areas, thus ensuring equitable access to high-quality science education for all students.

We invite you to join us in this important initiative and contribute your expertise to support science education in rural and regional NSW.

You can find the Terms of Reference here.

Please let us know if you're interested in being a part of the Rural Advisory Group via this form:

7-10 Syllabus Working Group

The New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA) has just rolled out the new NSW 7-10 Science Syllabus, slated for planning over the 2024-2025 period and implementation in 2026.

In response to this significant change, the Science Teachers Association of NSW (STANSW) is establishing a Syllabus Working Group dedicated to smoothing the transition for NSW teachers.

The purpose of this group is clear: we'll be developing and sharing resources, training materials, and support mechanisms for teachers adapting to the new syllabus but we need your help!

You can find the Terms of Reference here.

Please let us know if you're interested in being a part of the 7-10 Syllabus Working Group via this form: