Special Offer for Science Teachers Association NSW Members 


Save up to 35% off Success One HSC

Support your students to maximise their marks, by providing past HSC papers aligned to the current syllabus. Students will gain valuable experience in answering these HSC practice questions and you will identify their strengths and areas for development. 

Each guide includes:

  • Over 100 objective-response and short-answer questions to practise from past HSC Papers arranged into the new syllabus Module topics
  • Sample HSC Examination papers with actual questions from the 2015–2018 HSC papers. All questions in these papers will be on topics examinable in the new syllabus.
  • Approximately half of each paper’s questions will be actual HSC questions and the others will be questions on the new topics in the updated syllabus
  • Three sample HSC Examination papers. To help students gain extra practice there will be three Excel sample HSC Examination papers, with all questions written for the new Year 12 syllabus and based on the new HSC Examination format.
How to Order:

For Members, get up to 35%OFF by contacting our Educational Specialist: Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02 8585 4079