Nominations are called for positions on the Science Teachers Association NSW Council for a 2-year term from January 1st 2024 – December 31st 2025.

The Constitution requires five current Councillors to stand-down at the end of their two-year term. Each of these serving Councillors are eligible to re-nominate. Any Individual Member is also eligible to nominate for a position on Council.

Vacating Councillors are: Margaret Shepherd (current President), Lauren McKnight (current Vice-President), Amy Ayres (Council Member), Julie Rogers (Council Member), Tracey-Ann Palmer (Council Member).

In line with the Constitution, there is an additional elected position for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Council Representative.

The timeline for elections is:

 29 September 2023  
 Nominations Open 
 27 October 2023  Nominations Close
 10 November 2023   Ballot papers for electronic voting issued if more than four nominations received 
 8 December 2023  Results communicated


Nomination forms are available here.

Council members provide strategic guidance and oversight of the governance and financial management of the Association. Council is accountable to the Membership for the Association's business and operations.

In addition, Council Members will each provide leadership in one or more of the following areas:

  • Editorial / Publications
  • Curation of teaching resources
  • Development of Professional Learning Programs
  • Online Learning
  • Sponsorship

For further information regarding the role of Council please email [email protected]  for a copy of the Constitution, or visit