7-10 Conference:  Engaging with the new syllabus - TBC

Taronga Zoo, Sydney – Education Centre  

Embark on a journey of exploration at the 7-10 Conference as we delve into the dynamic realm of the new syllabus, uncovering exciting avenues to captivate students with the science. This conference is designed to empower educators with insights and strategies to enhance their teaching practices and optimise the implementation of the latest curriculum. Delve into the intricacies of the new Syllabus and uncover effective teaching strategies and resources.   

Chart your course: Conquer the new 7-10 syllabus with NESA guides & expert tips. 
Embark on inquiry: Foster student curiosity & critical thinking through Working Scientifically. 
Navigate with confidence: Align your teaching with the Australian Curriculum map. 
Unleash data power: Equip students for the 21st century with hands-on data science activities. 
Dive into Depth Studies: Discover inspiring strategies & resources to challenge & motivate. 

More info to come.


Call for Workshop Abstracts: 

STANSW 7-10 Conference
Share Your Expertise and Empower Science Educators

The Science Teachers' Association of New South Wales (STANSW) is excited to invite science teachers from across NSW to share their expertise and experience at the upcoming STANSW Yr 7 -10 Conference. This conference will provide a platform for teachers to explore the new 7-10 Science Syllabus and learn from colleagues about effective teaching strategies and resources. 

We are seeking workshop presenters to deliver engaging and informative 1-hour sessions on the following themes: 

Working scientifically - one of the drivers which underpins the new Syllabus changes 
Scope and sequences - mapping guide to the Australian Curriculum 
The new Syllabus push with Data and Data Science 
Mapping to the previous syllabus, dot point links and not reinventing the wheel 
What can I already use and what is the new stuff I need to focus on, putting a skills lens on it 
Practical Strategies minimise the workload with Syllabus implementation 
Tangible takeaways 
Imparting knowledge to sectors on the implementation 

Submission Guidelines
Please submit your workshop abstract via: https://www.cognitoforms.com/STANSW/_2024SpeakerSubmissionForm

Your abstract should include the following information:
Workshop title – Short, concise, and informative
Presenter name(s), affiliations and abstract -max 100 words in total, written in the third person.
Workshop description -concise summary, max 200 words
Learning outcomes for participants
Alignment with conference themes and target audience (new teachers, experienced teachers, or both).

Selection Criteria
Workshop proposals will be reviewed and selected based on the following criteria:
Relevance to conference themes and target audience
Clarity and coherence of the proposal
Originality and innovative approaches
Potential impact on participants' teaching practices.
Benefits for Speakers
Selected workshop presenters will receive the following benefits:
Complimentary conference registration
Opportunity to showcase your expertise and share your knowledge with fellow science educators
Recognition and promotion within the STANSW community

Submit via the link: https://www.cognitoforms.com/STANSW/_2024SpeakerSubmissionForm

Please address enquiries to the project manager: [email protected] 

Interested in being an event partner?  Email Marketing Manager


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