Guidance for providing support

As the rules clearly specify, “Entries must be the student’s own work”. However, this does not restrict the provision of support to students. In fact, the more support teachers, mentors, schools and parents can give to students, the more opportunity students will have to be able to plan their own original investigations and come up with their own discoveries. Just like the more coaching of basic skills a soccer player receives, the more opportunity that player has of applying them in their own game and even developing their own creative moves. 
These are some practical ways that teachers, mentors, schools and parents can support a student’s project:


  1. Familiarise yourself with all the rules and due dates of the Young Scientist Awards.
  2. Devote a few lessons early in the year to introduce key components of a scientific investigation or invention.
  3. Consider how an investigation can be used to meet the requirements of the syllabus you are teaching and how time for independent investigations can be incorporated into class activities.
  4. Develop a timeline that allows plenty of time for students to complete different sections of their innovative device or investigation. Write brief progress reports for parents to provide an opportunity for parents to help with long-term organisation of their child’s project.
  5. Inform your students what makes a good investigation or innovative device. Keep copies of your best student projects to use as examples for future years.
  6. Meet with students individually to ensure they are on the right track. Discuss their project options, and ensure their selected option has a testable hypothesis or clear design goal.Familiarise your students with the judging criteria outlined in the scoring rubric for their age and category.
  7. Encourage each student to seek advice from an expert in their specified area of research.



  1. Provide students with the “big picture” of how exciting it is to be a scientist, mathematician or an engineer. Display an infectious enthusiasm for your area of work to inspire them.
  2. Explain how important it is to conduct a thorough background research to see what’s been done before. Point students towards resources that are appropriate for their level of understanding.
  3. Provide students with equipment and experiences that schools may not be able to provide themselves.
  4. Give scientific direction for the next step in the student’s project. This is especially necessary if you are mentoring a primary student whose teacher is not STEM-trained.
  5. Maintain regular correspondence with your mentored student(s) and periodically check the progress of their report and logbook.



  1. Show students some past winning projects so they see what is involved in setting out a project.
  2. Encourage your teachers to train and participate as judges for the Young Scientist Awards. Assessing student projects is the best professional development activity for teachers responsible for coordinating student research projects.
  3. Promote student involvement in the Young Scientist Awards in school newsletters and provide as much communication with parents as possible.
  4. Organise a school STEM fair to showcase the amazing investigations and innovative devices produced.



  1. The best way to help your child formulate an idea is to pose questions and problems as they come to your attention.
  2. Take an interest in your child’s science project and familiarise yourselves with the timeline for the completion of different components of your child’s project.
  3. Encourage your child to document everything they do in their logbook or folio. Remind your child to keep a photographic record of each stage of their investigative or design process.4.
  4. Ensure all supports are acknowledged in your child’s logbook.
  5. Where possible, you may be able to support your child with the purchase of necessary materials and equipment or by arranging transport to libraries, shops, businesses or even research institutions.
  6. Enjoy the experience of learning alongside your child and having fun while doing it!