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  • Spotlight on the Stage 6 Syllabus
  • Stage 6 Syllabus

Have your say on the Stage 6 Science Syllabus

  • November 05, 2024
Have your say on the new stage 6 science syllabus.

Have your say on NESA reforms and provide feedback to improve student outcomes.

The draft Stage 6 Science syllabuses have been released today via the NESA website here: Syllabus consultations | NSW Government

The Term 4 Have Your Say consultation period has commenced and will run until 20 December 2024, so you can provide your feedback on the proposed Stage 6 Science syllabuses during this time, via the surveys on the NESA website here: Syllabus consultations | NSW Government.

STANSW is analysing the draft syllabuses and will be submitting written feedback to NESA.




View the key message videos from NESA:

We encourage you to Have Your SaySyllabus consultations | NSW Government