For Eg: 2023 Stage 6 Conference
C-PT-4a Developing and/or using informal, formal, diagnostic, formative and/or summative assessment strategies to assess student/children’s learning.
5.1.2 Develop, select and use informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies to assess student learning.
5.4.2 Use student assessment data to analyse and evaluate student understanding of subject/content, identifying interventions and modifying teaching practice.
For STANSW Conference
2.1.2 Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities.
1.2.2 Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn.
To reduce printing costs, electronic copies of your presentation are required prior to the event, which will be made available to conference delegates on the event site, via a log in. Please submit (1 week) prior to the event date. File formats accepted: PPT or PDF (must be under 5mb)